The top twelve shows to see at VAULT Festival 2018

By Jim Glaub Published 30 January 2018

Listen up Hipsters, Cool Kids and Next-Genners, one of the coolest performance festivals around has hit London. You won’t want to miss this year’s VAULT Festival line up, which promises to be “the biggest festival yet” with over three hundred shows to choose from. If you’re saying to yourself, “Oh God, how will you ever decide?!”, well: no worries, Fellow Theatre Nerds, I’m here to help you choose.

I saw Tori’s Christmas show at Zedel’s and it was incredible. She makes cabaret cool and fun as she goes through her musical theatre catalogue and love for camp pop music, blending them seamlessly while sipping on a martini. She’s brassy, sassy and a proud New Yorker.

Reason to see it: Tori is the next big, drunk thing. Perfect if you hate cabaret and love vodka.

This wins for ‘Best Title of a Festival Show.’ This hilarious and touching show will make you feel high – the natural way only theatre can do.

Reason to see it: Answers the question – how can you stay positive when the world feels like it’s against you?

I’m a big fan of illusion and magic, but this isn’t a top hat and rabbit-out-of-a-hat kind of show. Mahdi has travelled the world entertaining audiences with his charm and wit.

Reason to see it: Look Ma, no hands!

Reason to see it: you’ll fall in love with her vocals and it’ll leave you wanting more.

Reason to see it: Racism and sexism; two of the hottest topics in modern culture broken down in an incredibly entertaining show.

Reason to see it: Charlotte Salkind and Hadley Smith are excellent actors, and the duo play their parts in Glitter Punch with customary aplomb.

Reason to see it: AI will be a major part of our future, and I’m excited to see how it’s interweaved into the theatre.

Reason to see it: Spice Girls, All Saints and B*Witched. Do you really need any more reasons than that?!?

Reason to see it: If you missed out on the incredible Great Gatsby, just know this highly inventive and creative team will surely sweep you away to another world.

Reason to see it: Get out all of your May rage by going back in time to see a different side of the first lady PM.

Reason to see it: Surprisingly deep philosophy and hilarious comedy are mixed perfectly in this no-holds-barred, interactive show. And nope, it doesn’t matter what row you’re sat in!

Reason to see it: Dance the night away in what will be the lovers’ capital of London.

Vault Festival

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