Zoe Lafferty

TheatreCraft 2016: Zoe Lafferty, Theatre Director

Published 3 November 2016

TheatreCraft, London’s largest free event for 16-25 year olds seeking non-performance careers in theatre returns on Monday 14 November.

This week we spoke to theatre director Zoe Lafferty, an Associate Director at The Freedom Theatre in Palestine, a director with The Old Vic 12 and Creative Producer at the human rights theatre company Ice & Fire.

Her recent work includes No More Page 3 and The Keepers Of Infinite Space at Park Theatre and The Siege (Nottingham Playhouse/The Lowry/The Tron/Birmingham Rep/BAC/Lakeside Theatre/The Cut/The Freedom Theatre). Most recently Zoe directed Queens Of Syria, which ran at the Young Vic before completing a national tour.

Zoe will be giving a workshop on Art, Identity and Activism at TheatreCraft 2016. To find out more and to register, visit theatrecraft.org.

An average day for me involves:

This week involves being in rehearsal each day 9-5 directing, then in the evenings going to previews and a press night for a new show I am co-producing, and I am also doing a talk at Essex University and a panel discussion for Border Crossings. And all in-between endless emails!

The people I work with mostly are:

Actors, writers and the production team. I also work with journalists, activists, film makers and the occasional politician…

The best part of my day is usually:

A dream day would be researching for a new idea.

I usually finish work at:

Anytime between 6pm – 11pm.

The most glamorous part of my job is:

Positive response about a new show.

The least showbiz part of my job is:


The advice I’d give to anyone wanting to do my job would be to:

Make the work that you feel passionate about and have a good plan of action on how you can earn enough money to survive in the first few years.

To find out more information and to register for TheatreCraft 2016 visit theatrecraft.org

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