In our profile series, Tell Us In 10, we ask cast members and creatives of top London shows to tell us all about themselves in just 10 questions. From the best part of their jobs to the hardest, we want to know it all!
This week, we hear from Harry Kershaw, who’s currently playing Hook and Mr Darling in Peter Pan Goes Wrong.
Find out more about Harry and his career so far below:
1. My route into theatre was…
I entered a poetry competition when I was about twelve years old. I had written a comedy poem about somebody being drunk and my performance of it was described by one teacher as ‘very outlandish’. But it was the first time I stood up in font of a crowd and it was great. I acted lots at school. I did a theatre camp called Show Build. I did National Youth Theatre and Youth Music Theatre UK. Just lots of these things. Then I ended up doing a foundation course in acting at LAMDA where I met all the Mischief people and got taught improvisation by Adam Meggido (director of Peter Pan Goes Wrong) which was utterly wonderful and had a huge impact on me. Then I did a 3 year course at RADA, which I absolutely loved.
2. My West End idol is…
Matthew Cavendish.
Matthew Cavendish (Max) in Peter Pan Goes Wrong. Photo by Pamela Raith.
3. My colleagues would describe me as…
I’ve texted Dave Hearn, one of my colleagues. He’s described me as ‘A close friend and a feared rival. Oh and loud, extremely loud’.
4. My favourite show (that isn’t one I star in/work on) is…
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time. It’s amazing. The first show I saw that I remember really loving because it made me so angry was The Crucible.
Milly Alcock (Abigail Williams), Brian Gleeson (John Proctor) and the cast of The Crucible. Photo by Brinkhoff-Moegenburg.
5. The career moment I’m most proud of is…
Recently I co-wrote and acted in a short film called Office Royale along with fellow cast member Chris Leask, directed by outrageous talent Sam Baron. It’s ‘The Office’ meets ‘Battle Royale’ and its currently doing film festivals. Getting the funding to make it happen in the first place was unbelievably difficult and once we had done that I was so happy that I had to remind myself we still had to make the thing. Huge thanks to anybody who contributed. I loved having some creative control and I’m very proud of the finished film.
6. The hardest part about my job/role is…
Playing Chris Bean in this show is an absolute and total joy especially getting to do it with so many of my friends. I suppose it takes a physical toll on your body. I have lots of bruises, but that comes with the territory. But outside of that, the hardest part of being an actor is not getting to do it. Not getting that job you went for and the uncertainty that goes with that. The times when it’s quiet and you worry you’ll never work again!
The cast of Peter Pan Goes Wrong. Photo by Pamela Raith.
7. If I wasn’t an actor, I would be…
When I was younger I wanted to be a hotel critic. Then I wanted to be a cocktail critic or a swimming pool critic. But I’m not sure either of those are a thing. I do also teach improvisation which I really love.
8. Something people don’t know about me is…
I have very little peripheral vision so unless I’m looking directly at you, it’s possible I can’t see you. I’m not just being rude and ignoring you.
9. The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…
I’d say the only thing you can control is how prepared you are. So be the most prepared you can be.
10. The one thing I wish I could tell my younger self is…
Create your own work immediately and as much of it as possible.
You can see Harry causing Pan-demonium this Christmas in Peter Pan Goes Wrong.