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Linbury Theatre (Royal Opera House)

Linbury Theatre (Royal Opera House)

More Information


Sound Amplification:

Infrared system with 20 headsets. Collect headsets from FOH Duty Manager’s Desk in main foyer. Surtitles for all opera productions.

Guide Dogs Policy:

Guide dogs allowed into auditorium and staff available to dog-sit if required.


There are four wheelchair spaces available in the Linbury Studio Theatre (by arrangement)


Contact the venue:

020 7304 4000

Your Visit

Security Information:

Security note: For your comfort and security, you may be subject to additional checks on your visit to London theatres. Please contact the venue for more information.


Lift to Amphitheatre bar and restaurant, and Floral Hall and Terrace cafes (low counters, moveable seats and tables).

Air Conditioned:


Accepts Theatre Tokens:

