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Cubic Theatre

More Information



The toilet facilities include gender neutral and an accessible toilet available next to the Cubic Theatre.


The Cubic Theatre is accessible by lift with space for 1 wheelchair and personal assistant at the front of the Cubic Theatre. If you require this space, please ensure you select the wheelchair seats on the plan. There is an induction loop within the space. If you to discuss any further details, contact enquiries@ltmuseum.co.uk or call +44 (0)343 222 5000.

Access from Street to Foyer:

Step free

Access From Theatre Foyer To Seat:

Lift access


Contact the venue:

0343 222 5000

Your Visit

Security Information:

Security note: For your comfort and security, you may be subject to additional checks on your visit to London theatres. Please contact the venue for more information.


The Museum Cafe is open until the start of the final performance each day. No refreshments will be available to purchase after 8pm. Bottled water, food or drink including alcohol purchased from the Cafe is permitted into the Cubic Theatre. Plastic cups will be provided for all drinks.

Air Conditioned:



The Cubic Theatre is perfect for seminars, conferences and film screenings. It features 110 specially-designed moquette seats which are conveniently tiered and following a recent AV refurbishment, the Cubic Theatre has professional screening equipment including DCI/DCP playback capabilities with true 4k resolution and Dolby Digital surround sound. All equipment is supported by our in-house Technical Assistants, who are bookable throughout your event.

cubic theatre London Transport Museum