Figaro: An Original Musical is the hauntingly beautiful tale of Sienna, a young woman who dreams of singing but feels imprisoned by her life on her father’s farm. When a chance encounter with two young orphans thrusts her into the life of a traveling performer, she meets the handsome Figaro, who promises to make all her dreams come true – but there is always a price to fame. Part love story, part mystery, Sienna’s journey to discover herself and live the life she always wanted is fraught with twists and turns until it culminates in a moment that will change the course of her life forever.
Age Suitability For This Show
Unlike film, theatre doesn't have an official age classification organisation. That means all age recommendations are subjective and should be treated as guidelines unless otherwise stated. With this in mind, we ask you to use your judgement in regards to a show's suitability prior to purchase. However, we are more than happy to help you make a decision. Please email our Customer Care team to find out more about your chosen show.
We currently don't have tickets for this production.
Unlike film, theatre doesn't have an official age classification organisation. That means all age
recommendations are subjective and should be treated as guidelines unless otherwise stated. With this in mind, we
ask you to use your judgement in regards to a show’s suitability prior to purchase. However, we are more than happy
to help you make a decision. Please email to find out more about
your chosen show.
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