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Beverley Knight in The Bodyguard (Photo: Paul Coltas)

Beverley Knight in The Bodyguard (Photo: Paul Coltas)

YouTube Q&A: Beverley Knight

First Published 10 October 2013, Last Updated 11 October 2013

We’re in a very privileged position at Official London Theatre, we know. We have the opportunity to talk to the stars of the London stage, to get to know them just a little and ask them the questions we’re eager to have answered.

But when Beverley Knight joined the cast of hit musical The Bodyguard, stepping into the role made famous on screen by Whitney Houston and filling her lungs the much-missed diva’s unforgettable music, we thought, hold on for One Moment In Time, why not give the Official London Theatre readers a chance to ask their questions.

We put it out to Twitter and Facebook, and you replied in your droves, so, one early autumn afternoon at the Adelphi theatre, we dutifully put your questions to the soul-star-turned-West-End-actress as she prepared for her evening performance as Rachel Marron, the diva whose life is changed when a former secret service agent is hired to protect her from a stalker whose attention is becoming increasingly disturbing.

You can watch the results at the top of the page.


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