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West End Eurovision 2018

West End Eurovision 2018

West End Eurovision musicals unveil video idents

Robin Johnson

By Robin Johnson Published 23 March 2018

The countdown is on to the return of the legendary charity production West End Eurovision, returning to London’s Theatreland on Sunday 22 April – and the participating shows have unveiled their video idents.

Playing in the West End for the first time in four years, in a one-off spectacular at the Shaftesbury Theatre, the 8 competing shows are now seeking public votes to win the coveted The Best Video Ident Trophy. Votes can be cast via text, with details on the event’s website.

Ahead of the real 63rd annual Eurovision Song Contest in Lisbon, Portugal in May, the eight West End shows competing in West End Eurovision are: 42nd Street, Disney’s Aladdin, Dreamgirls, Hamilton, Kinky Boots, Mamma Mia!, The Phantom Of The Opera and Young Frankenstein. You can see all their idents below.

West End Eurovision 2018 promises a sea of flags – and outrageous costumes – as the casts of some of Theatreland’s biggest shows battle it out to be crowned the champions of West End Eurovision, to raise funds for the Make A Difference Trust.

Eight of London’s top musicals will be competing against each other by singing original Eurovision Song Contest songs to win text votes from the audience and the approval of a panel of celebrity judges and judges from each competing show.

The last West End Eurovision held in 2014 saw Les Misérables named joint winners with Mamma Mia!.

Melanie Tranter, chair of the Make A Difference Trust said, “The generosity of time talent and spirit of all of these amazing people will make the return of West End Eurovision one of the best nights in the West End. We are thrilled to see the return of this glittering night of high camp fun back for one amazing night!”

Tickets can be booked via the Shaftesbury Theatre website.


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42nd street aladdin charity dreamgirls hamilton kinky boots mamma mia shaftesbury theatre the phantom of the opera west end eurovision young frankenstein

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