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OLI Laura Pitt-Pulford

Laura Pitt-Pulford

Video: Olivier musical nominees

First Published 30 March 2016, Last Updated 31 March 2016

After a month of waiting, there are now just days until this year’s Olivier Awards with MasterCard nominees will take their seats at the glamorous Royal Opera House ceremony to find out if their name is printed inside one of the golden envelopes ready to be opened by a host of star presenters.

It’s a nerve wracking but exciting time, as a selection of this year’s performers nominated in the musical categories explained to us when we sat down to find out how they were feeling at this year’s Nominees’ Celebration at Rosewood London.

As the guests took the chance to meet other nominees, have a glass of Champagne and toast the Olivier Awards class of 2016, Tracie Bennett, Natalie Dew, Laura Pitt-Pulford, Preeya Kalidas and Emma Williams spoke to us about the advice that has helped them to get to where they are today, the performers that have inspired them and, of course, how they feel to be an Olivier Award nominee.

Tracie Bennett, nominated for Best Actress in a Musical for Mrs Henderson Presents

Natalie Dew, nominated for Best Actress in a Musical for Bend It Like Beckham

Laura Pitt-Pulford, nominated for Best Actress in a Musical for Seven Brides For Seven Brothers

Preeya Kalidas, nominated for Best Actress in a Supporting Role in a Musical for Bend It Like Beckham

Emma Williams, nominated for Best Actress in a Supporting Role in a Musical for Mrs Henderson Presents

The winners of the Olivier Awards 2016 with MasterCard will be announced in a ceremony at the Royal Opera House on 3 April. You can be part of celebration at our Covent Garden Piazza event that will feature live performances and a live stream of the ceremony. You can also watch extended highlights of the show on ITV at 22:15.

Keep up to date with all the latest Olivier Awards news by following us on Facebook and Twitter, and by following the Olivier Awards on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.



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