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Kerry Ellis in Wicked (Photo: Matt Crockett)

Kerry Ellis in Wicked (Photo: Matt Crockett)

Video: Kerry Ellis on her new album

First Published 6 October 2014, Last Updated 6 October 2014

Kerry Ellis is currently wowing audiences as everyone’s favourite green-skinned witch for an incredible third time at the Apollo Victoria Theatre.

She will be there, defying gravity, until 25 October so we’ve been taking the chance to catch up with the musical theatre star about all things Kerry Ellis. We’ve already heard about how much she’s enjoyed performing in Wicked over the years, but we couldn’t let her leave the West End later this month before asking about her new album KE to boot.

Chatting to the singer in her dressing room between performances, we discovered all about how the album came about, what it was like relying on fans to fund it and how Wicked has helped her on the road to solo success.


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