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Lizzie Muncey & Sam Newton from the previous TOAST cast

Lizzie Muncey & Sam Newton from the previous TOAST cast

Toast transfers to The Other Palace

Eleni Cashell

By Eleni Cashell Published 14 December 2018

The critically acclaimed show Toast is transferring to The Other Palace following successful runs at The Lowry, Salford, the Traverse Festival 2018 AND the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Based on author, presenter and food columnist Nigel Slater’s best-selling and award-winning autobiography, the show documents his childhood and growing up in suburban England during the 1960’s.

Sharing his story through the tastes and smells he encountered, from making the perfect sherry trifle, waging war over cakes through to the playground politics of sweets and the rigid rules of restaurant dining, this is a moving and evocative tale of love, loss and…toast.

And to get you fully involved in the production, the audience are offered samples of the integral dishes which shaped his life during the show, so don’t fill up on dinner too much beforehand!

Even before it became a stage show, Nigel’s memoir ‘Toast – the Story of a Boy’s Hunger’ has been incredibly successful. The book has won six major awards, been translated into five languages and even became a BBC film starring Helena Bonham Carter and Freddie Highmore.

Speaking about the show’s London transfer, Nigel said: “I am absolutely delighted that Toast will transfer to The Other Palace next April. It’s been wonderful to see my story so sensitively adapted and so creatively staged this year. The response from audiences and critics alike has been heart-warming and it’s indeed a festive gift to announce that the show will continue into 2019 in London.”

The show’s writer Henry Filloux-Bennett is also no stranger to the kitchen, having previously worked for Gordon Ramsay at Claridge’s, at the two-Michelin star Restaurant Tom Aikens, and the three-Michelin star Restaurant Gordon Ramsay.

Directed by Jonnie Riordan, (whose previous work include Man Up, Boy Magnet and White Noise, and Found), the show’s cast is still to be announced so keep your eyes peeled!

Toast will open at The Other Palace on 4th April and will run until 3rd August 2019. Tickets go on general sale on 17 December.


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