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The Nether gets West End transfer

First Published 17 October 2014, Last Updated 17 October 2014

Hit Royal Court and Headlong online thriller The Nether is to transfer to London’s West End, running at the Duke of York’s Theatre in January 2015.

The story of a virtual wonderland where every whim and desire can be indulged under an assumed identity, and the pitfalls, loopholes and opportunities this presents, will begin its West End run on 30 January and run until 25 April.

Reflecting the year in which the production is set, 100 tickets at each performance will be made available for £20.50.

Amanda Hale, Stanley Townsend and Ivanno Jeremiah, who all appeared in the Royal Court production earlier this year, will recreate their performances in the West End, as will young performers Zoe Brough and Isabella Pappas. Full casting is yet to be announced.

Speaking about the transfer, Headlong Artistic Director Jeremy Herrin said: “The sold-out run at the Royal Court showed there was a real appetite for bold and surprising work like this. It’s a play for our times and the production is a deeply satisfying theatrical event and I’m looking forward to sharing it with a broad audience in the West End where we have had recent success with brilliant new writing like Chimerica and 1984. It’s also an opportunity for us to encourage accessible pricing so that audiences can see this extraordinary work for around £20.”

The Nether is the latest Royal Court production to transfer to the West End following hit shows Posh, Jumpy, Constellations and Let The Right One In.

It will open following the run of Tim Firth’s comedy Neville’s Island, which stars sitcom stars Adrian Edmondson (The Young Ones), Neil Morrissey (Men Behaving Badly), Robert Webb (Peep Show) and Miles Jupp (Rev).


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