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Cover image 1200 x 600 copy Jerone Marsh Reid v3

Tell Us In Ten: Jerone Marsh-Reid

Emma Raczkowski

By Emma Raczkowski Published 20 January 2025

In our profile series Tell Us In Ten, we ask cast members and creatives of top London shows to tell us all about themselves in just 10 questions. From how they got their start in the industry to their favourite shows, we want to know everything.

This week we caught up with Jerone Marsh-Reid who is currently in The Snowy Day, playing at the Polka Theatre until 2 February.

1. My route into theatre was…

Through dance. I joined a breaking crew when I was 16, and my best friend Ryan noticed I had natural qualities as a performer. He suggested I join him in pursuing performing arts at college, and that’s exactly what I did.

2. My West End idol is…

This is a tough one, but Mark Strong in A View from the Bridge truly blew me away. His performance was absolutely electrifying.

3. My colleagues would describe me as…

The funniest person they’ve ever met—well, at least I’d hope so! In all seriousness, probably silly, occasionally annoying, and definitely hardworking.

Jerone Marsh-Reid in The Snowy Day at Polka Theatre. Photo by Steve Gregson.

4. My favourite show is…

At the moment, it’s Stranger Things. The movement, acting, and cinematic elements are absolutely remarkable.

5. The career moment I’m most proud of is…

When Marvellous transferred from The New Vic to the West End, becoming the first show ever at the new @Sohoplace theatre. Telling Neil Baldwin’s incredible life story every night in such a wonderful venue was unforgettable. Huge thanks to Nica Burns and Theresa Heskins for making that happen.

6. The hardest part about my job is…

Managing my emotions. Sometimes I swing between feeling super confident and self-doubtful. Over the years, I’ve learned to trust that I’m doing a good job, but there are still days when I feel like an imposter.

7. If I wasn’t an actor, I would be…

In my dream world, I’d be a right winger for Manchester United. In reality, I’d probably have pursued electronics like my dad.

8. Something people don’t know about me is…

I tear up a lot. It’s getting worse as I get older, especially now that I’m a dad. I still try to hide it sometimes, but I’m working on it. If you catch me with tears in my eyes on the tube… no, you didn’t.

9. The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…

Don’t just talk about it—DO IT!

10. The one thing I wish I could tell my younger self is… 

Keep going J, you’ve got this. Enjoy and appreciate every moment. Oh, and one more thing: invest in Bitcoin

Don’t miss Jerone in The Snowy Day at the Polka Theatre, playing until 2 February. It’s perfect for the whole family and suitable for younger audiences aged 1-4 – tickets are available from £10. Book now through Official London Theatre.


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