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Tell Us In Ten: Alex Austin

By Jennifer Dickson-Purdy Published 7 February 2025

In our profile series Tell Us In Ten, we ask cast members and creatives of top London shows to tell us all about themselves in just 10 questions. From how they got their start in the industry to their favourite shows, we want to know everything.

This week we caught up with Alex Austin, who plays Macbeth in English Touring Theatre’s new production of the Scottish play at the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre.

1. My route into theatre was…

I did Drama GCSE at school in Walthamstow, then Drama and Theatre Studies at A Level. At college, I went to the Almeida’s youth theatre (because it was near my college, free and ‘first come, first serve’ for local kids). I applied to drama schools, didn’t get in, but got an agent from performing in a youth theatre show and started working at 18.

2. My West End idol is…

Francesca Amewudah-Rivers.

3. My colleagues would describe me as…

I hope they might think I was open, playful but with boundaries.

4. My favourite show is…

I really enjoyed The Yard Theatre’s 2024 Christmas show with Séayoncé.

Séayoncé (aka Dan Wye) at the Yard Theatre

Séayoncé (aka Dan Wye) and Leslie-Ann (Robyn Herfellow). Photo courtesy of the Yard Theatre.

5. The career moment I’m most proud of is…

Winning my third Oscar.

6. The hardest part about my job is…

Something I share with lots of people: surviving as an artist in this economy.

7. If I wasn’t an actor, I would be…

Something to do with being outside maybe or trying to understand inside people’s heads.

8. Something people don’t know about me is…

I haven’t won three Oscars.

9. The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given is…

Be mindful to unlock your knees to protect your joints.

10. The one thing I wish I could tell my younger self is… 

Take that trip: you’re allowed to get lost. You’ll find your way back. And it’ll be more interesting than waiting by the phone.

A black silhouette on a red background.

Macbeth opens on 28 February – book your tickets via the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre.


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english touring theatre Macbeth tell us in ten

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