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Sophie Okonedo joins Damian Lewis in The Goat

First Published 21 October 2016, Last Updated 21 October 2016

Tony Award winner and Academy Award nominee Sophie Okonedo will join Damian Lewis in Edward Albee’s The Goat, Or Who Is Sylvia at the Theatre Royal Haymarket.

Sophie, who has received numerous awards and nominations for her work on the big and small screens, returns to the London stage for the first time in 6 years, having last appeared in Haunted Child at the Royal Court in 2011. She completes the star billing alongside multi-award winning actor Damian Lewis.

Albee’s darkly comic play is directed by Ian Rickson, running at the Theatre Royal Haymarket for a strictly limited season in spring 2017. You can buy tickets through us here.

The Libertine, starring Dominic Cooper, is currently running at the Theatre Royal Haymarket. You can buy your tickets through us here


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