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Simon Callow back Being Shakespeare

Published 12 February 2014

Simon Callow will return to the West End later this month when he brings his acclaimed one-man show Being Shakespeare back to the capital for a strictly limited season at the Harold Pinter Theatre.

Playing from 26 February to 15 March, Being Shakespeare brings the Bard’s characters to life while exploring the real man behind some of the world’s most frequently performed and popular plays.

The production returns following two successful runs in the West End. During its 2011 run at the Trafalgar Studios, The Guardian’s Michael Billington described the show as “a memorably multidimensional picture of Shakespeare, steeped in scholarship and love”.

Being Shakespeare is just one of the one-man shows for which Callow has become well-known in recent years. The actor has previously brought solo versions of Inside Wagner’s Head, A Christmas Carol and The Mystery Of Charles Dickens to London.

The actor is also well known for his Shakespearean performances in productions including the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Merry Wives The Musical and Twelfth Night at the National Theatre. On screen, he has starred in films including Shakespeare In Love, Four Weddings And A Funeral and A Room With A View.

Written by Jonathan Bate and directed by Tom Cairns, Being Shakespeare will open at the Harold Pinter Theatre prior to the West End transfer of Relative Values starring Patricia Hodge, Caroline Quentin and Rory Bremner. Trevor Nunn’s acclaimed production plays from 19 March to 21 June following a successful run at the Theatre Royal Bath.


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