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Mark Stevenson (Rabbit) Grace Carter (Hare) and Hayden Wood (Hatter) in Alice’s Adventures Underground (Photo by Jane Hobson)

Mark Stevenson (Rabbit) Grace Carter (Hare) and Hayden Wood (Hatter) in Alice's Adventures Underground (Photo by Jane Hobson)

Opening Night: Alice’s Adventures Underground

First Published 28 April 2017, Last Updated 28 April 2017

Alice’s Adventures Underground invites audiences to tumble down the rabbit hole and explore Lewis Carroll’s world in spectacular detail – and we excitedly obliged.

The unmissable immersive production was the hit of summer 2015, welcoming over 100,000 visitors and culminating in a 2016 Olivier Award nomination for Best Entertainment and Family Show. It was originally conceived as a celebration of the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll’s classic novel of the same name.

Audiences experience immersive theatre in spectacular detail in this interactive, puppetry-packed, fusion of storytelling, music and circus deep below Waterloo station. Audience members are invited down the rabbit hole in intimate groups, where they will be presented with a choice of EAT ME or DRINK ME, which will affect the way their show will unfold… Make your choice and find yourself at the centre of the story as you wander through Wonderland, piecing together the puzzle to search for Alice who is lost in the looking glass.

Alice’s Adventures Underground will play a limited season from 15 April 2017 – 23 September 2017 at The Vaults, underneath Waterloo.

Book your tickets through us today!

Adventures In Wonderland, the bespoke children’s show for those aged 5 to 10, also returns to the venue from 13 May 2017 – 3 September 2017. 



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