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Luke Kempner in The Only Way Is Downton

Luke Kempner in The Only Way Is Downton

One-man Downton receives London engagement

First Published 16 October 2013, Last Updated 16 October 2013

A solo show featuring Downton Abbey’s cast of troubled aristocrats and sniping servants alongside a plethora of modern celebrities will bring its immaculate manners and knowingly raised eyebrows to the Trafalgar Studios in 2014.

The Only Way Is Downton, which proved a hit at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival earlier in the year, will run at the venue’s intimate Studio 2 from 27 January until 22 February, when it embarks on a UK tour.

Written and performed by musical theatre star Luke Kempner (Avenue Q, Les Misérables), who was described by The Huffington Post as “The energizer bunny of impressionists”, the impressions show finds the famous fictional country estate in turmoil and in need of assistance from modern celebrities to save it from certain closure.

Directed by Owen Lewis, who also directs Eric And Little Ern in the West End this Christmas, the one-man comedy grew out of the success of a video posted on YouTube by Kempner.

The Only Way Is Downton follows another solo show into the Trafalgar Studio 2, the Julie Andrews-inspired Julie Madly Deeply, which runs from the end of November through the Christmas period.


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