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Jim Lichyscheidl and Mark Rylance in Nice Fish

Jim Lichyscheidl and Mark Rylance in Nice Fish

Nice Fish: What the audience thought

First Published 9 December 2016, Last Updated 28 December 2016

Captivating. Beautifully silly. Provocative. Poignant. Just some of the words audiences used to describe Nice Fish when we chatted to them outside of the Harold Pinter Theatre.

Starring the Academy and Bafta Award-winner and Olivier Award-nominee Rylance, and directed by Claire van Kampen, Nice Fish follows a pair of old friends out on the frozen, creaking Minnesota lakes at the end of the fishing season.

But with the ice beginning to groan, and the landscape unforgiving, the two aren’t just going for any small kipper; they want – they need – something big, something down there that, had it the wherewithal, might just swallow them whole. The ordinary and extraordinary are sure to collide in a hilariously playful but deeply profound way.

With Rylance joined in the cast by Jim Lichtscheidl, Kayli Carter, Bob Davis and Raye Birk, and with this brilliant show having received critical acclaim and sell out audiences in America, the Harold Pinter Theatre certainly promises the plaice to be this winter.

Book your tickets for this glorious hit today.


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