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GILT16 Matilda

Matilda The Musical Production Shot

Matilda’s 5th birthday

Published 7 November 2016

Matilda The Musical is celebrating an incredible 5 years in the West End! The show tells the story of a little girl with a special power, so we asked the audience to share what their special powers are.

Their answers ranged from invisibility to magic, and shape-shifting to flying. Watch our video to see more!

Matilda The Musical is the story of Matilda Wormwood, a child with an incredible talent for learning. Despite being hampered by unscrupulous, uncaring parents who care neither for their daughter or for education, she excels intellectually and even discovers a rather unique talent. Each time her parents treat her badly, the young Matilda teaches them a lesson.

The hit family show won a record-breaking seven Olivier Awards when it opened in London’s West End and four Tony Awards when it transferred to Broadway.

Matilda The Musical is adapted for the stage by writer Dennis Kelly, whose previous plays include The Gods Weep, Osama The Hero and Love And Money. The show’s music and lyrics come from award-winning Australian musician and comedian Tim Minchin.


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