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The Old Vic exterior (Photo: Manuel Harlan)

The Old Vic (Photo: Manuel Harlan)

London theatres launch STAMP

First Published 30 May 2017, Last Updated 30 May 2017

The Old Vic exterior (Photo: Manuel Harlan)

Photo: Manuel Harlan

Over 20 London-based theatres and theatre organisations, including The Old Vic, Barbican, National Theatre and Soho Theatre have come together to launch STAMP (Supporting Theatre and Makers of Performance), a network dedicated to improving support for artists and advocating for the role of theatre and theatre makers in London.

STAMP aims to increase the dialogue between member organisations and artists using collective action from publishing a programming database for London venues, to implementing a series of events for producers and artists. Ultimately the network wants to ensure that London continues to be the home for visionary artists and ground breaking new theatre.

Kate Varah, Executive Director, The Old Vic, said: “We are delighted to be a part of the STAMP network, which will enhance our capacity to support of a wide range of artists and artistic organisations beyond The Old Vic’s walls. Creating a nurturing and supportive environment for all theatre makers to explore and create new work is essential. We very much look forward to working collectively to share resources and experience, so that artists have the tools and foundations they need to create work that will keep London at the forefront of pioneering, daring theatre.”

More information will be available on the network’s forthcoming website


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