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The Exorcist

Last Minute Halloween Costumes inspired by the Theatre!

Published 31 October 2017

You’ve been invited to a last minute Halloween party tonight and you’re stuck without a costume! Never fear, we’re here to help. THEATRE STYLE!

The Girl from The Exorcist 

Get a long sleeve nightgown, bloddy it up a bit and tease your hair out and you’ve got a head spinning costume!

A Busker in STOMP


Grab those 90s baggy jeans from your wardrobe and throw on a vest, add a backwards cap and get a giant silver dustbin and you’re ready to stomp the night away. Brush up on some of your moves here.

Igor from Young Frankenstein

Black hoodie and stuff some rags on your back and you’ve got a hump! Extra credit throughout the night if the hump changes locations.

One of the Dads from MAMMA MIA!

Mamma Mia! at the Novello Theatre

Grab a white, short sleeved shirt and some khakis. That’s it! You’re one of Sophie’s three dads! Bring your two mates and you can all go together!

Lauren from Kinky Boots

Grab a green and yellow jumper, pull your hair back and if you can get a fan to blow on your hair and sing “The History of Wrong Guys.”


Jamie Parker in Harry Potter And The Cursed Child at the Palace Theatre (Photo: Manuel Harlan)

You don’t have to #keepthesecrets on how to get this look. Harry Potter is all grown up in the Parts One and Two of the beloved legacy, now onstage. Grab a nice pair of chinos, a waistcoat and don’t forget the signature glasses and lightning bolt scar.


The Book Of Mormon, playing at the Prince of Wales Theatre

Already a classic, the black tie and short sleeve shirt with black trousers should be really easy. The thing that might be harder is getting your hands on the Book of Mormon to use as the prop. Don’t forget to brush up on your doorbell ringing skills.

Any other ideas you might have? Let us know on Twitter with the hashtag #theatrecostumes and we’ll retweet our favourites!


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