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Kinky Boots extends to 2017

First Published 11 April 2016, Last Updated 14 April 2016

Kinky Boots, the winner of the MasterCard Best New Musical Award at the recent Olivier Awards with MasterCard, has extended its London run by four months.

Theatregoers can now book tickets for performances up to 14 January at the Adelphi Theatre.

The hit musical, with music and lyrics by pop icon Cyndi Lauper and a book by theatrical great Harvey Fierstein, won a total of three awards at the Oliviers. In addition to being crowned Best New Musical, its star Matt Henry won the prize for Best Actor in a Musical and Gregg Barnes won the award for Best Costume Design.

Kinky Boots, which also stars Olivier Award nominees Killian Donnelly and Amy Lennox, tells a story inspired by a true tale. When Charlie Price (Donnelly) inherits the family business, the future of his father’s shoe factory hangs in the balance. He needs a niche to exploit. Enter Lola, a fabulous drag queen in desperate need of a sturdy new pair of stilettos.

The Broadway hit, directed by Jerry Mitchell, opened in the West End last summer, when Official London Theatre described it as a “heelicious, toeriffic new musical with plenty of sole”.

You can book tickets for Kinky Boots through us here.


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