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Kidman’s Photograph rivals revealed

First Published 10 July 2015, Last Updated 10 July 2015

Will Attenborough, Edward Bennett and Patrick Kennedy will pitch their scientific knowledge against Nicole Kidman when they join the Hollywood star in the UK premiere of Photograph 51 at London’s Noël Coward Theatre this September.

The trio of actors will play James Watson, Francis Crick and Don Caspar, the three scientists set to rival Kidman’s Rosalind Franklin in the race to find the meaning behind a precious photograph.

The DNA-based drama will play from 5 September to 21 November, marking Kidman’s first return to the London stage in more than 15 years.

A member of one of Britain’s famously theatrical families, Attenborough returns to the West End following his performance in Jeremy Herrin’s critically acclaimed production of Another Country at the Trafalgar Studios in 2014. To television viewers, though, he may be better known for his recent role in ITV’s World War II-set drama Home Fires.

Bennett returns following his role in 2012’s IN THE NEXT ROOM Or The Vibrator Play at the St James Theatre, while Downton Abbey and Atonement actor Kennedy’s latest credits include No Quarter at the Royal Court.

Marking the return of the Michael Grandage Company, Photograph 51 will bring Anna Ziegler’s award-winning tale about the woman who cracked DNA to the Noël Coward Theatre following the forthcoming run of West End magic show Impossible.

Tickets for both productions, and the venue’s current critically acclaimed resident, the RSC’s Death Of A Salesman, can be booked through us.


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