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In rehearsal: Closer

First Published 9 February 2015, Last Updated 10 February 2015

Opening a play is always a nerve wracking affair but you have to feel especially for anyone coping with the extra pressure of not only an Olivier Award-winning premiere production of the play still nestled in many minds and a hit film adaptation to contend with, but also the prospect of being the next show to open at a venue on a seemingly record-breaking hit-making rampage…

Closer, which begins previews later this week, is doing just this, following recent successes including Henry IV, City Of Angels and My Night Is Reg to play at Covent Garden’s physically petite but profoundly powerful Donmar Warehouse.

Luckily the cast comprising Olivier Award winners Nancy Carroll and Rufus Sewell, stage favourite Oliver Chris and rising star Rachel Redford, are more than qualified to take on the challenge. Looking at these photos they seem to be taking it in their talented strides.

Capturing the tantalising preview of how things are shaping up was theatrical photographer Johan Persson. He was invited into the usually top secret rehearsal room to document the process – involving, in a strange twist, photographing a photography shoot – giving theatregoers a sneaky peek at the chemistry emerging between the quartet in Patrick Marber’s notoriously charged drama.

Feeling intrigued? You don’t have long to wait. Closer, with its tale of explosive relationships and life-altering chance meetings, begins its run on 12 February and plays until 4 April.



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