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In pictures: West End LIVE 2017

First Published 26 June 2017, Last Updated 30 June 2017

Hundreds of thousands of theatre aficionados took to Trafalgar Square for the annual return of the incredible free musical theatre West End LIVE – and we’ve the best videos and photos of the action right here.

What a couple of days we had, as London’s most popular shows and theatrical performers took to the stage to thrill thousands of West End fans, uniting theatre lovers from far and wide for an epic celebration of the remarkable West End community and talent.

And thanks to our brilliant photographer Pamela Raith, our eyes on the ground in Trafalgar Square, you can see the best of the on-stage – and behind-the-stage – happenings over the course of the weekend in our photo gallery above.

What’s more, in case you missed them, you can also view plenty of the event’s electrifying performances from both Saturday and Sunday through our huge YouTube playlist below:

Make sure to take a look back through our social coverage on Twitter and Instagram for more unmissable highlights.


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