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In pictures: Miss Saigon

First Published 8 May 2014, Last Updated 15 May 2014

The heat is officially on at the Prince Edward Theatre where the Sunlight to musical theatre’s Moon has landed. Yes, Miss Saigon is back and, from these stunning first production photos, is looking even better than the Movie In My Mind of how I imagined the much-loved show might look a quarter of a century after it first took the West End by storm.

Before you start shouting “Why God, Why?” as a reaction to all these puns, I promise I’ll stop. But as all musical theatre fans will surely agree, a healthy level of geeky excitement for the long awaited return of Les Misérables’ Alain Boulil and Claude-Michel Schönberg’s Vietnam War-set epic is forgivable; it’s not every day that a show with bona fide legendary status sets up camp in the West End.

Cameron Mackintosh’s revival is not just for those who know both parts to I Still Believe backwards – just me? – however. With its heady romance, incredible company numbers and heartbreaking betrayal, the show is ready to seduce a whole new audience.

Whichever camp you fall into, veteran or novice, get in the Saigon swing of things by taking a look at the photos above and look out for our First Night Feature to discover more when the show officially opens later this month.



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