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Impossible returns for magic London run

First Published 6 May 2016, Last Updated 9 May 2016

Impossible, the mind-boggling, magic show hit, will return to the West End this July for a limited summer run following its acclaimed 2015 run.

Impossible will take up residency at the Noël Coward Theatre from 8 July for 60 performances only and feature a cast packed with the world’s greatest illusionists including returning stars mind reader Chris Cox, daredevil escapologist Jonathan Goodwin and mystical ‘vanishing boy’ Ben Hart.

Promising to once again mesmerise London and baffle and bemuse with even bigger illusions, Impossible fuses death-defying stunts, technological trickery, grand stage illusions and close-up magic in a fast-paced breath-taking performance.

Joining Cox, Goodwin and Hart in the cast are newcomers including hip-hop magician Magical Bones, one of Europe’s top illusionists Sabine van Diemen and Josephine Lee, who, alongside the world renowned Hans Klok, performed the most illusions ever seen in five minutes to be crowned a world record breaker.

Speaking about it London return, the show’s producer Jamie Hendry said: “We were overwhelmed by the welcome that London audiences showed Impossible last year and are delighted to be returning to the Noël Coward Theatre with a bigger show than ever before. I’m proud to welcome two of the world’s leading female magicians, Josephine Lee and Sabine van Diemen to the company, and am excited about seeing audiences’ reactions to their stunning performances.”

Writing about the show’s London premiere last summer, Official London Theatre advised audiences to expect to be “bewildered, perplexed, baffled, wowed and thoroughly entertained as magic takes centre stage in the West End”, describing the show as “an evening of mind-boggling fun”.


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