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Immersive outdoor theatrical experience, C-o-n-t-a-c-t, comes to London

Kitty Underwood

By Kitty Underwood First Published 6 August 2020, Last Updated 6 August 2020

Tickets go on sale today for the UK premiere of a brand new immersive outdoor theatrical experience, C-o-n-t-a-c-t, with a 3D sound design which audiences will listen to on their own headphones.

From Monday 31 August, audiences will be able to experience the innovative experience all through a brand new app, which utilises brand new technology which synchronizes the spectators and actors to play with theatrical concepts and create a whole new spectacle! The show will run for 50 minutes without an interval.

Tickets will be bought online, and once ticketholders receive a link to download the app, they will be given an exact location for the event. The first three London locations confirmed so far are Tower Bridge, Greenwich and Clapham Common.

Premiering in France this summer, C-o-n-t-a-c-t is a story of an unexpected encounter, exploring themes of mental health and anxiety.

Sarah is approached by someone she believes to be a stranger. She discovers that he can hear her thoughts but how? Who is this man? Dive into her mind in this unique sensory and immersive new show and experience theatre like never before.

Katy Lipson said:

“As soon as I discovered C-o-n-t-a-c-t I was immediately drawn into the creativity and themes of the piece and recognised how relevant the material was and how it was created specifically around the times we are currently living. As a producer, I remain committed to creating opportunities not only for audiences but for the immense talent pool we have in the UK who are currently without many opportunities to perform. I hope the city of London embraces the experience as much as the Parisian audiences.”

Co-writers of the piece, Samuel Sené and Gabrielle Jourdain said:

“We were driven by the need to reconnect with our profession and with the audience. We wanted to offer an artistic encounter even in the current health context, therefore we have imagined this tailored theatrical experience. To be able to share this feeling again, the one we only feel with live performance. To reunite with Theatre.”

Mathilde Moulin said:

“We are extremely happy to bring C-o-n-t-a-c-t to London, after its very successful debut in Paris! This socially distanced theatrical experience mixes live performance and new technology to create a brand-new form of theatre, specifically adapted to the period of time we are in.  The show is relatable to anyone who has experienced social distancing over several weeks or months, but not only. The audience dives into the characters thoughts. They find themselves immersed in someone else’s mind and follow their journey to finding inner peace. We cannot wait for the British audience to come experience it!”

To ensure audience safety, audiences will be asked to purchase paperless tickets online and bring their own headphones to wear throughout the performance. The number of audience members is limited to 15 per performance to ensure social distancing can be respected between the cast and audience. Audiences are asked to respect all public health guidelines and wear masks at all times.

Tickets can be purchased C-o-n-t-a-c-t website from 9am today.


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