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Horrible Histories – The Best Of Barmy Britain 900×600

Horrible Histories - The Best Of Barmy Britain 900x600

Horrible Histories returns to West End at the Apollo theatre

First Published 25 April 2016, Last Updated 30 May 2018

Horrible Histories’ Barmy Britain series will be back in London this summer for another hilarious helping of disgusting facts and vile stories specially created to celebrate the show’s 5th anniversary in the West End.

Horrible Histories – The Best Of Barmy Britain will do exactly what is says on the tin, combining all the best bits from previous shows Barmy Britain – Parts One, Two and Three to create a brand new historical romp to entertain everyone aged five to 106-years-old.

Horrible Histories stage creator Neal Foster will star alongside Barmy Britain regular Alison Fitzjohn in the greatest hits compilation at the Apollo Theatre from 5 August to 3 September.

Once again the pair will give audiences the chance to meet all their favourite people from throughout time in this unusual tale of British history with all the nasty bits left in.

Audiences will be able to groove with party Queen Victoria as they discover if they could beat battling Boudicca, whether King John will be a martyr for the Magna Carta, who will lose their heart – or head – to Henry VIII and if Parliament can survive gunpowder Guy.

Horrible Histories – The Best Of Barmy Britain is the latest in the stage favourites offerings adapted from Terry Deary’s best-selling children’s books, which boast total sales of 25 million in 40 countries.

The shows are produced by the Foster-led Birmingham Stage Company, which next year will celebrate its 25th anniversary.




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