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Roger Allam rehearses The Tempest at Shakespeare’s Globe

Roger Allam rehearses The Tempest at Shakespeare's Globe

Hampstead Seminar led by Roger Allam

First Published 5 August 2014, Last Updated 5 August 2014

Roger Allam is to return to the Hampstead Theatre this autumn when he stars as former novelist turned teacher Leonard in Theresa Rebeck’s comedy Seminar.

In taking on the role of Leonard, a cantankerous mentor to four aspiring writers, Allam follows in the footsteps of Alan Rickman and Jeff Goldblum who played the part when the play ran on Broadway between November 2011 and May 2012.

Rebeck’s comedy tells a tale of ambition, power and lust as the quartet of would-be writers jostle for position, build and break alliances, and hatch schemes to win the approval of their unorthodox tutor.

The production, which runs from 25 September to 18 October, is directed by Terry Johnson, who returns to the Hampstead Theatre following his 2013 hit Hysteria. The director’s previous work includes West End productions of The Graduate, The Duck House and La Cage Aux Folles, which found him working with Allam.

Allam previously appeared at the Hampstead Theatre in 2007’s The Giant. In addition to numerous stage credits, he has appeared on screen in films including The Book Thief, The Woman In Black and Tamara Drewe, TV series including Parade’s End and Game Of Thrones, and is also the narrator of CBeebies hit Sarah And Duck.


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