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Gallery: Cinderella at the London Palladium

First Published 12 December 2016, Last Updated 13 December 2016

Pantomime returns to the London Palladium for the first time in nearly 30 years in a magical production of the enchanting rags-to-riches story Cinderella.

The iconic West End venue will host the festive family show this Christmas in a production billed as “lavish and spectacular”, offering audiences of all ages a chance to delight in the immortal fairytale of a girl who swaps a life of rags and misery for a stunning gown and an unforgettable evening at the Ball.

With a cast including Amanda Holden as The Fairy Godmother, Paul O’Grady as the Wicked Stepmother, Julian Clary (Dandini), Count Arthur Strong (Baron Hardup), Paul Zerdin (Buttons), Lee Mead (Prince Charming) and Nigel Havers (Lord Chamberlain), this is a pantomime with plenty of star glamour.

Natasha J Barnes will play the title role of Cinderella following her star turn understudying in Funny Girl, while Suzie Chard and Wendy Somerville will play The Wicked Stepsisters.

Cinderella will run at the London Palladium until 15 January 2017.


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