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Full cast announced for The Birthday Party

Rachel McCarty

By Rachel McCarty Published 30 October 2017

Peter Wight and Tom Vaughan-Lawlor will join Toby Jones, Stephen Mangan, Zoë Wanamaker and Pearl Mackie in a major revival of Harold Pinter’s The Birthday Party.

Sonia Friedman Productions has announced full casting for Harold Pinter’s The Birthday Party. Peter Wight and Tom Vaughan-Lawlor will join previously announced Toby Jones, Stephen Mangan, Zoë Wanamaker and Pearl Mackie for this major revival directed by Ian Rickson. The production will run at the Harold Pinter Theatre, 60 years since the play’s debut, from 9th January to 14th April 2018 with an Opening Night on Thursday 18th January 2018.

Stanley Webber (Toby Jones) is the only lodger at Meg (Zoë Wanamaker) and Petey Boles’ (Peter Wight) sleepy seaside boarding house. The unsettling arrival of enigmatic strangers Goldberg (Stephen Mangan) and McCann (Tom Vaughan-Lawlor) disrupts the humdrum lives of the inhabitants and their friend Lulu (Pearl Mackie), and mundanity soon becomes menace when a seemingly innocent birthday party turns into a disturbing nightmare. Truth and alliances hastily shift in Pinter’s brilliantly mysterious dark-comic masterpiece about the absurd terrors of the everyday.


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