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Free virtual reality experience at the National Theatre

First Published 8 September 2016, Last Updated 9 September 2016

Easter Rising: Voice Of A Rebel, a BBC Learning virtual reality experience, is now available for the public in a free installation at the National Theatre’s Lyttelton Lounge until Saturday 22 October.

Easter Rising was used during rehearsals by the cast and creative team of The Plough And The Stars in order to help them research the events of the time through an immersive, intimate medium. The experience – jointly created by BBC Learning, Crossover Labs and VRTOV, two pioneering companies in the field of VR – is watched using an Oculus Rift headset.

Easter Rising lets users journey back to Dublin and a moment that changed Irish history forever. Through virtual reality, users relive the memories of a young man, Willie McNeive, as he takes part in the Easter Rising, a violent, armed insurgence where men and women occupied key sites in Dublin, proclaiming the Irish Republic. Liam Cunningham (better known to Game Of Thrones fans as Ser Davos) voices the part of Willie McNeive.

Michael Tuft, Executive Producer at  BBC Learning, said: “VR is still an emerging medium, but it’s got huge potential as an immersive experience to inform, educate and entertain our audience… As audiences visit the National Theatre to try Easter Rising we hope they will be transported to another world just as they are when they watch great theatre.”

The Plough And The Stars plays until 22 October. Book your tickets with us today.


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