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Forced Entertainment make family debut

Published 28 March 2014

The Barbican Theatre has revealed details of two family shows that will play as part of its autumn/winter season including the first ever work for young people by acclaimed company Forced Entertainment.

Hopping in for half-term, Psst! Secrets Of A White Rabbit will play in the Barbican Pit from 28 October to 4 November. Forced Entertainment’s kid-friendly debut The Possible Impossible House will then play in the same space from 17 to 28 December.

Suitable for children aged two and older, Psst! Secrets Of  White Rabbit will follow Berlin-based creators Melanie Florschütz and Michael Döhnert’s 2012 success at the venue with Rawums(:).

The innovative pair will bring their unique style of physical theatre, puppetry, music and humour to this enchanting story of a rabbit on the loose. If you have in mind the vision of a fluffy pet rabbit, however, think again. This is the kind of rabbit that lives in a magician’s hat, the kind of rabbit that can climb stairs, balance on a tightrope and even take to the skies.

When Forced Entertainment arrives for the festive period, they will be bringing with them an equally unusual leading character, this time a house. Inside, the rooms are constantly shifting, beds complain about the dark and chairs whisper mischievous stories. The creaky plumbing sings and clatters, and there’s a talking door that won’t open. Getting lost is easy here, but if you follow the lights, so is finding the way out.

The award-winning company that has carved a reputation for creating boundary pushing contemporary theatre for the past 30 years has collaborated with visual artist Vlatka Horvat for this project to bring the house’s strange world to life.


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