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Shane Zaza and Alec Newman (Photo credit: Helen Maybanks)

A first look at rehearsals for The Dumb Waiter

Published 11 November 2020

We got a first look at some rehearsal images of Hampstead Theatre’s 60th-anniversary production of The Dumb Waiter if useful.

Ben and Gus have a job to do. But as they await instructions in a derelict building, they start to receive strange messages via a dumb waiter…

Harold Pinter’s iconic masterpiece originally premiered as part of Hampstead Theatre’s first-ever season in 1960. Sixty years on, this brilliant comedy makes a highly anticipated return home for its 60th Anniversary Production.

Pinter wrote twenty-nine plays including The Birthday Party, The Caretaker, The Homecoming and Betrayal. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005.

Acclaimed stage and screen actors Alec Newman and Shane Zaza will play the roles of Ben and Gus, respectively, in this 60th anniversary production directed by Alice Hamilton, originally programmed for spring.  She is joined by designer James Perkins, with lighting design by James Whiteside and Composition and Sound Design by Giles Thomas.

Click here to find out more to grab your tickets.


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Hampstead Theatre the dumb waiter

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