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Exclusive: Capturing The Mousetrap

First Published 23 February 2015, Last Updated 9 March 2015

The Mousetrap, London’s longest-running show, is a miracle of modern theatre. Not because the Agatha Christie thriller’s run in the West End is now in its seventh decade, but because despite millions of audience members having seen the show, the killer’s identity is still very much a secret.

How do they do it? We thought maybe they used Men In Black-style memory erasers after each performance, but we’ve seen the show and we don’t remember seeing anything of the sort…

Imagine our surprise and delight when a show as secretive as The Mousetrap invited us to bring a camera into the photo shoot for the new cast. What nuggets of closely guarded knowledge might we glean?

I can tell you this: you have to work harder than asking “So, whodunit?” to trick an incoming cast member into unmasking the criminal; repeatedly kissing a hand for no reason other than appeasing a photographer leads to uncontrollable laughter; and the answer to the question ‘Why does Rupert The Bear wear checked trousers?’ is unprintable, but also very funny.

The show’s new cast – Claire Cartwright, Eleanor Cox, Henry Devas, Timothy Kightley, Phillip Langhorne, Audrey Palmer, Robert Rees and Ian Targett – take to the stage of the St Martin’s Theatre for the first time tonight.

Take a look at our behind the scenes pictures, bringing you closer to this brand new cast, to see if they help you solve the mystery.

The Mousetrap is booking at the St Martin’s Theatre until 19 December. You can book tickets through us here.


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