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Drowned Man extends into February

Published 28 November 2013

Punchdrunk’s immersive production The Drowned Man, which takes audiences into the world of Temple Studios, has announced it will continue its run until 23 February.

Theatre journalists this morning received hand written letters from Temple Pictures telling them to ring a telephone number where a message from Leland Madison Stanford was waiting. In his short speech, the studio boss with a voice that could strike fear into the heart of the bravest actor said that the cameras were still rolling through January and February.

The Drowned Man, which opened in June, takes inspiration from George Büchner’s Woyzeck to create a tale set in the faded glamour of 1960s LA. Audience members are invited to explore the vast Temple Studios, where movie stars mingle with wannabes and celluloid fantasy meets desperate reality, stumbling across vignettes and scenes as they go.

When Official London Theatre’s Charlotte Marshall saw the show, she wrote of the experience: “It is the detail that exists even when you scratch beneath the surface mixed with its heady, sexy trademark atmosphere that makes the Punchdrunk experience… Don’t worry too much about missing out on whatever action the streams of people rushing in the other direction are chasing; enter fully into the production’s exploratory spirit and your own experience is sure to reap its own rewards.”


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