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Close To You extends

Published 11 November 2015

Kyle Riabko’s innovative journey through the songbook of one of music’s best loved singer songwriters, Close To You: Bacharach Reimagined, has extended its run in London’s West End by five weeks.

This new booking period, which will take the critically acclaimed musical’s run at the Criterion Theatre to 14 February, marks the latest success in a string of wins for US performer Riabko’s homage to the great Burt Bacharach following its New York premiere and a hit run at London’s Menier Chocolate Factory.

Featuring more than 30 of Bacharach’s legendary hits, from I Say A Little Prayer to Magic Moments, the Steven Hoggett-directed production brings the musician’s incredible back catalogue of songs to new life in a range of imaginative reinventions and interpretations, thrilling old fans and a new generation alike.

Speaking about the production, Bacharach commented: “Close To You: Bacharach Reimagined is a beautiful Valentine to me, and it’s also a Valentine to the audiences who are fortunate enough to experience it. I’m thrilled to hear that its West End run is being extended due to popular demand until Valentine’s Day which also seems very fitting since most of my songs are love songs.

“I am in awe of what Kyle Riabko has done with my music, and I’m truly in love with this extraordinary show. It’s very gratifying to know that London audiences have embraced Close To You and my music in the way that they have.”

Bacharach demonstrated his passion for the show last month when he performed a rendition of Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head outside the theatre alongside the cast following the West End opening performance.

Fans can discover more about the show in our feature with Riabko in which he discussed the music as he takes readers through the impressive selection of guitars he uses every performance.


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