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Theatre characters join us to celebrate Kids Week 2023

Celebrating the launch of Kids Week 2023

First Published 2 August 2023, Last Updated 12 October 2023

Yesterday, on 1 August, we celebrated Kids Week, by inviting characters from theatreland down to our TKTS Booth in Leicester Square.

Over 20 different characters from your favourite shows joined us, plus two of the stars from KIDZ BOP, the children’s music group before they headed off to see a show through Kids Week.  

Check out some photos of your fave shows; The Choir Of Man, Crazy For You, Grease, and The Mousetrap, Blippi: The Wonderful World Tour, Hairy, Horrible Histories: Terrible Tudors, I Believe In Unicorns, The Smeds And The Smoos, Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Tiger Who Came To Tea. 

Kids Week runs for the entire summer holidays so there’s still the opportunity for kids aged 17 and under to go to the theatre for free when accompanied by a paying adult. An additional two children can go for half price! Plus, there’s no booking fees.  

Richard Bennison, Campaign Manager of Kids Week, said: 

“It’s incredible to see so many of our shows coming together to celebrate the Kids Week campaign. The initiative is all about introducing children and families to the amazing variety of London theatre, and yesterday’s event feels like a true representation of what our industry is about. There are still lots of tickets available for over 35 shows, so be sure to head to KidsWeek.co.uk and book your tickets before the offer ends on 31 August.” 


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