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Billy Elliot gets cast for its birthday

First Published 12 May 2014, Last Updated 12 May 2014

Tonight’s performance of Billy Elliot The Musical will mark the show’s ninth birthday in the West End and the first time new cast members Matteo Zecca and Kyria Cooper take to the Victoria Palace Theatre stage as Billy and Debbie.

Zecca, who will be the 37th actor to play the title role in the critically acclaimed West End production, will star alongside previously announced new cast member Ruthie Henshall in Lee Hall’s inspirational story about a boy who realises his dreams of becoming a ballet dancer against the odds.

Featuring songs by Elton John and direction by Stephen Daldry – Hall’s collaborator on the Oscar nominated film on which the show is based – Billy Elliot The Musical boasts a team of hugely talented youngsters who alternate the demanding children’s roles.

Speaking about his West End debut, the 11-year-old from Buckinghamshire praised the show for sparking his stage ambitions, saying: “I went to see Billy Elliot The Musical three years ago and I absolutely loved it. From that moment I wanted to be Billy even though I had never danced before! I started ballet at the age of nine and have loved it ever since.”

Zecca will be joined in the cast tonight by 10-year-old Cooper, who joins the show as Henshall’s on stage hilariously mouthy daughter Debbie. The pair will be joined later in the month by another newcomer to the production, 11-year-old Tomi Fry who will play Billy’s best friend Michael.


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