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Mamma Mia!’s Louise Young and James Darch

Mamma Mia!'s Louise Young and James Darch

Audience Award 2016: Mamma Mia!

First Published 26 February 2016, Last Updated 11 March 2016

We can’t quite believe it, but West End audiences have been taking to their feet and proclaiming Thank You For The Music to Mamma Mia! now for more than 15 years. And with good reason. The show brings the glow, warmth and fun of summer to London all year round with its idyllic Greek island setting and charming tale of a woman preparing for her wedding and wondering just who should be walking her down the aisle…

With its iconic brightly coloured Lycra and a selection of the greatest pop songs ever written by the world’s favourite Swedish super group ABBA, the show was a worthy recipient of four Olivier Award nominations in 2000 following its London premiere in 1999. Its star at the time, Jenny Galloway, proved herself a Dancing Queen winning the Best Supporting Performance in a Musical Award.

This year the show is dying to make it to the Magic Radio Audience Award shortlist and its stars Louise Young and James Darch recorded the video above explaining why you should Gimme them your vote…

Mamma Mia! is booking at the Novello Theatre to 22 October. You can book tickets through us here.

Voting for the Magic Radio Audience Award has now closed.


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