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Alice Fearn as Elphaba in Wicked at the Apollo Victoria Theatre (Photo: Matt Crockett)

Alice Fearn as Elphaba in Wicked at the Apollo Victoria Theatre (Photo: Matt Crockett)

#280Characters in Theatre

Robin Johnson

By Robin Johnson Published 8 November 2017

With the news that Twitter has today upped its limit to #280characters, we thought we’d celebrate with a social media challenge for you all, picking out our own favourite #280characters in London theatre.

We’re inviting all Tweeters, far and wide, to tweet us with their favourite parts from the pantheon of London theatre shows. We’ve a (possibly overly ambitious) goal in mind: we’re aiming for #280characters in Tweets by the end of the day. Can we get 280 unique suggestions?

To join in the fun, simply follow us on Twitter and reply to our Tweet with your favourite character name(s). Be sure to check back throughout the day (we’ll aim to update our list every 30 minutes or so!) to see how we’re getting on.


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