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Ticketing Enquiries

If you have an issue with an existing booking made through Official London Theatre (including TKTS, See It Live in 2025 and Kids Week), our customer service page allows you to check booking details and resend your confirmation email as well as information on how your tickets will be delivered.

If you are unable to attend a performance you have booked, please complete our exchange form. Exchanges will only be considered if we are contacted prior to the show and please note we cannot exchange tickets within 48 hours of the performance. Exchange requests are not a guarantee and may be refused and tickets will only be refunded if your performance has been cancelled.

If you have a more general enquiry about your booking then please complete our enquiry form and we will get back to you.

You can also email us at ticketing@officiallondontheatre.comĀ 

Theatre Tokens

If you would like to purchase Theatre Tokens, please visit theatretokens.com

For questions regarding Theatre Tokens please email hello@theatretokens.com

All Other Enquiries

For any non-ticketing enquiries, please contact us directly through the details below.

Whilst we will make every effort to answer enquiries of a general or business nature, we regret that we may be unable to respond to specific queries about productions.

Society of London Theatre
32 Rose Street
Email: enquiries@soltukt.co.uk